Art + Craft
Scarborough ArtShow
Find your inspiration
The Scarborough Art Show showcases inspired local talent, from celebrated artists who regularly exhibit with us to up and coming new artists. A full catalogue of art will be on show over this exciting weekend, alongside superb crafts, from handmade jewellery to ceramics. Come along and browse, pick up some gifts for friends and family, take in the annual Kids ArtSpark competition and vote for your favourites! Book tickets for Opening Night on Friday to experience the rush of being the first to see and purchase artworks while enjoying live music, drinks and canapes, or come along over the weekend to see how the exhibition evolves as we hang new works for viewing and purchase, while enjoying coffee, food and fun activities for the family.
Interested in exhibiting?
If you are interested in exhibiting in the Scarborough Art Show, we suggest that you submit your EOI early as space is limited. Find out more information here.
Artworks displayed on this page (L-R):
Ashley Frost, Coastal Angophora (Oil on board)
Emma Morris, Untitled cups
Theo Hancock (student), Green dragon (Coloured pen)
Mudjingaal students, Bird pinch pots,